Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Web Apps:

admin 1.1.1 undefined

aqistats 0.0.0 undefined

bio-mon 1.0.0 Biological Monitoring Tool

cleanup 1.0.7 Minnesota Groundwater Contamination Atlas

cmp 1.0.0 Citizen Monitoring Program

contact-log 1.0.3 MPCA Contact Log

contract-procurement-req 1.1.0 undefined

csw 2.0.0 Construction Stormwater Permit Information Search

eda-gwater 1.0.0 EDA Groundwater Data

env-data-submittal 1.1.0 Environmental Data Submittal

eqb 1.1.0 Environmental Quality Board Monitor Submittal

eqb-search 1.0.3 Environmental Quality Board Project Search

feedlot-permit 1.1.1 undefined

feedlot-registration 1.1.2 undefined

glossary 1.0.0 Glossary

gw-sampling-req 1.1.0 Groundwater Sampling Request

hwls 1.1.0 Hazardous license waste generator license search

hwrs 0.0.1 Hazardous waste generator report search

isw 2.0.0 Industrial Stormwater Permit Information Search

land-treatment 1.0.4 Current pre-approved petroleum contaminated land treatment sites

metro-county-hw 1.1.0 Metro County Hazardous Waste Reporting

nmt 1.0.0 Nutrient Management Tool

pay 1.0.3 MPCA's online payment system

recycled-products 1.0.2 MPCA Recycled Products Directory

recycling-markets 1.0.2 MCPA Recycling Markets Directory

rluig 1.0.2 Remediation Location Unique Identifier (LUI) Generator.

services 1.1.0 MPCA Online Services portal

SSTS 1.0.5 Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Licensed Business and Certified Individual Search

student-loan-reimburse 1.0.0 undefined

surface-water 1.0.6 Surface Water Advanced Search

tank-leak 1.0.2 Leaks/Tanks Search

user 0.0.1-DEV MPCA user self service portal.

vmp 1.0.0 Volunteer Water Monitoring Program

wimn 2.0.9 What's in my neighborhood for MPCA Angular project.

wqd 1.0.4 Lakes and streams water quality dashboard